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Nan Huaijin: The relativeness of everything in the universe

The so-called "one yin and one yang" in the Book of Changes is not the yin and yang of men and women mentioned by the Taoist side door, but about the physical use of the universe. The ontology is silent, and its role is to "use and elephant". Every phenomenon is made of relative positive and negative forces, and everything in the world is relative. Some people say that this is about the I Ching, saying that this is Einstein's theory of relativity. That's not right. Don't talk nonsense! Relativity is the theory of relativity. Many of us Chinese think that you are opposite to me, which is Einstein's theory of relativity. This scientific concept is very funny. The relative relation mentioned in the Book of Changes refers to the relativeness of everything in the universe; from the perspective of Western logic, it is a contradiction. Of course, this contradiction is unified and neutral in the end. However, the contradictions and unity of Western materialists are negative views; China's relativeness is neutral and positive. This concept should be particularly clear about learning logic and philosophy.

Nowadays, the application logic of the East and the West comes from Hegel's thoughts. Most of them talk about the unity of good and negatives and contradictions, forgetting the neutrality of the positive and opposite of the East. Where there is neutralization, there is differentiation. The existence of this equilibrium is "one yin and one yang". Cathode yang, anode yin, this way is not about ontology, but about use. Everything in the universe is created by two relative forces.

Now let's ask a religious issue. Everyone knows that Catholicism and Christianity are Western religions, but they do not know that the saints of the five religions are Easterners, and none of them are Westerners. Jesus and Moses are all Easterners. Religions in the world occur in the East, but it was later spread to the West where they germinated and took root. Another problem that we should pay attention to is that if there is a God, there is a devil, and God must be opposite to the devil. In the case of Western religion, God is omnipotent, but in my opinion, it can't do the same. There is nothing we can do about a devil! It's the same as God's power and the magic power of the devil. What is this reason? Where there is good, there must be evil, absolutely relative; good and evil are all man-made. Is there true good and evil in the world? No! Are there real right and wrong? No! It's all the same as the Book of Changes. Because of different time and space, the standard of good and evil is also different.

For example, in our society, nowadays, girls wear naked clothes in summer. If they wear them like this decades ago, it won't scare them to death! Is this a person? Is it a demon? But if you still think this way now, this person will be outdated! It can be seen that there is no absolute standard for good and evil. Therefore, the metaphysical Tao has no right and wrong. If it is metaphysically used, there will be good and evil. The so-called yin has yang. After understanding this truth, you know that good and evil are relative, not absolute. But in the human world, good and evil are absolute, so you must use the side of yang. At least, whether you use yin or yang, to be able to be able to succeed, it is based on the best starting point. Whether you are good at using yin or good at using yang, it is also equivalent to what the six ancestors of Zen said: "The righteous people use evil law, evil law is also Righteousness; evil people use righteousness, and righteousness is also evil. Farewell Lecture of the Department of Changes)

This shows that the standards of right and wrong, good and evil are artificial and vary according to time, region (space), customs and habits. It is not feasible if you don't understand the changes of the past and the present, stick to traditional forms of moral standards, and the mud will not be changed. However, nowadays, people don't learn from the past and the present, misunderstand the sense of freedom, and do whatever they love, regardless of others or the interaction in society. This is also the truth of not understanding "practice in shape". Therefore, "only saints can then practice the form". In a certain situation, a certain era, a certain region, we should abide by their customary norms. ( Mencius and Deligence)

Even our own psychology is relative. When our hearts were just calm, our bad thoughts rose up. When our troubles are extremely painful, we really hope to be quiet. Use yin to represent trouble and pain, and use yang to represent tranquility. You know that there will be no absolute tranquility, and there will be no absolute troubles. Because cathode yang, anode yin is inevitable. No matter how the phenomenon changes, the ontology of Tao is immovable. Being able to understand this principle and grasp this principle is "the successor is good". In other words, if good and evil represent yin and yang, there must be good and evil, there must be good, and good and evil must be opposite.

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